It seems Spring has firmly sprung with lighter evenings and some recent very welcome Summer temperatures.

Traditionally Spring sees a flurry of activity as sellers finish off those DIY jobs and get on the market, while the more hospitable weather conditions encourage buyers to get out viewing.

Our latest newsletter comments on interest rate speculation, remortgaging and there’s a first time buyer special feature on the back page.

Click here or on the image below to open a PDF of the newsletter in a new window.

If you know someone hoping to get on the ladder this year then why not share this with them?


Featured in this issue:

  • Interest Rates – after a rate rise in March many are forecasting another rise (or two) later this year – is now the time to switch and fix?
  • Why use a mortgage broker? – With around 80% of new mortgages being arranged through a broker – what are the advantages?
  • Income Protection – if you couldn’t work due to illness or injury, how long could you cope financially before going into debt?
  • First Time Buyers – housing supply is on the up, Stamp Duty gone for many and Help to Buy still on the scene – is it time to take the plunge?